
  • Slender man Mystery Is Always Interesting!

     Slenderman is a terrifying mythical character which has been in many cases in the past.Everyone who experienced slenderman presence believed that he is a Tall guy with long limbs with a black suit of face without nose,hair,eyes,ears etc.He has a special feature of prolonging his hands 2 times longer.

    He has tentacles on his backside and he uses them to scare the victims.
    Many people claim that he was mistakenly captured by cameras behind playing children.Till now none of the people escaped from him,somehow some victims Accidentally Survived got Mind Damaged with no information about this mysterious creature.
    From Cave paintings of Northeast Brazil, which are 9000 years ago,we got reference of slenderman.
    By observing above paintings,we can find a huge Tall creepy creature on Topleft addressing Short people/children in the woods.
    ONE of the most mysterious incident took place in North Carolina, polkcountry in 1993.
    Ted Henderson,who is a horsefarm owner lives with his wife and a 6 year old daughter.On june 15th,1993 ,neighbour's  of henderson gave complaint to police that they are hearing mysterious  sounds,like gun fire sound.When police investigated they found two strangely injured horses in the doorsteps.when they entered inside the room,they found fresh blood split allover with items damaged in the room.After lifting the felt furniture from a corner,police found Ted Henderson with a pistol,beside his dead wife with a gunshot.The police thought that Henderson killed her.He became mentally became mad .After spending some days in mental hospital,Henderson told that he saw a tall skinny guy with a black suit.He want to take his wife and daughter with him,He said.After somedays Henderson commited suicide.
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