After dropping out grad school,Most quickly established his first company --zip 2,which provided online newspapers with maps and business directories.He sold the company in 1999 for $307millijon.
Musk provided a Large amount of inspiration for the Hollywood character Tony Stark(Iron man)Infact parts of Iron man 2 were Actually filmed inside and outside of spacex.Musk even has a Cameo in the film.
Like steve jobs and other famous entrepreneurs ,Musk's annual salary for tesla motors is just $1.
In 1999,Musk co- founded,A online payment company that eventually became Paypal ,before being acquired by Ebay for $1.5 Billion in Stock of which 165 million is given to Musk.
Musk has reduced the cost of reaching the international space station by 90%.Bringing it down from $1billion to $60 million.
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