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  • If The Sun Disappeared....

    If The Sun Disappeared....

    We all know that Sun is main source of energy for existence of life.Then what happens if The Sun Disappears?

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  • 7 Cursed Dolls Story

    7 Cursed Dolls Story

    However there is vast development in technology,there is still question mark for devil,spirits existence.There are many situations of cursed dolls due to black magic,but there is still no proof.lets us knowledge about 7 cursed dolls in the History.
    This doll is made in Germany in 1910.The forehead of this doll is torn.Earlier,the owners kept in the basement of the house and they used to hear the cry of the children from there.For this reason they donated this doll to the no Quest Museum in British Columbia.The room in which they kept the doll on next day destroyed.
    In 1918,this doll was bought by elder sister for her 2-year-old younger sister okiku.Okiku died for mysterious cause.so in memory of okiku,the family named that doll okiku.After sometime the family noticed the hair of the doll was growing.It is believed that the soul of the baby reside in the doll.The Lab report revealed that the hair of the doll is Real Human hair.
    The owner of this doll named Anna .G.it is said this doll was haunted and cursed.Anna got this doll from Great Grandmother.It is believed that the soul of 4 children is imprisoned in that doll.Anna says that if something happens to the doll,the soul of the child get out of it and start
    Killing other children.
    4.The zombie voodoo doll

    It is also called texas zombie doll.when one of its owners wanted to burn it,it did not even burn and when they wanted to cut it from scissor,the scissor broke and nothing happened to the doll.
    When the owner sent it for investigation empty box went there.The next morning  she was starring at the owner sitting on the floor of the owner's house.No one knows what happened to the owner after this.

    This doll is most beautiful doll on this list.When child of the owner fell asleep with it,the next morning found that the doll was lying in the corner and there were nail marks on the child's Hand.
    Often the sound was heard from where the doll was kept.
    When a person named Harry warren reached his village after studies,He decided that he would go to the haunted house of his village.He did not found any ghost inside the house,but a doll was found which he named ledda.The museum specialist said that the doll dates back to 17th century.People believe that the soul of 6 -year- old Girl is captured in it.when someone approaches this doll,He feels like crying without any reason.
    It is considered as most cursed doll on the whole Earth.It is believed that soul of this doll is Hungry.Today it is kept in holy lock which reads positively do not open.whenever it is taken out in history many people lost they lives.
    Which one of this u feel scary.Comment down if u faced problems with the cursed dolls😱
  • Know About Strange Plants

    Know About Strange Plants

    We All know there are various species of plants and trees in this world.But some plant design by Nature is identical with same as other structures.Lets know about them,
    This plant is strange found in Africa.
    Infact the flowers grown to this plant resembles the kissing lips.
    2.Milk melon
    This plant is found in Vietnam.Its Fruit resembles like breast of a women.
    3.Dracula simia
    This plant found in America known as Monkey orchid because the shape of it flowers looks like a Monkey.
    They are also called Alive stones.what you understand a stone is Actually a leaves.This plants are found in South Africa.They can live for 50 or more years.
    4.Venus Flytrap
    we All know very well that this plant is carnivores.But scientists are developing Hybrid species of this,like with movement this plants can swallow mice.
    5.Antirrhinum Majus
    They are also known as snapdragon.its feature is that the flowers resemble like Human skull.
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  • Slender man Mystery Is Always Interesting!

    Slender man Mystery Is Always Interesting!

     Slenderman is a terrifying mythical character which has been in many cases in the past.Everyone who experienced slenderman presence believed that he is a Tall guy with long limbs with a black suit of face without nose,hair,eyes,ears etc.He has a special feature of prolonging his hands 2 times longer.

    He has tentacles on his backside and he uses them to scare the victims.
    Many people claim that he was mistakenly captured by cameras behind playing children.Till now none of the people escaped from him,somehow some victims Accidentally Survived got Mind Damaged with no information about this mysterious creature.
    From Cave paintings of Northeast Brazil, which are 9000 years ago,we got reference of slenderman.
    By observing above paintings,we can find a huge Tall creepy creature on Topleft addressing Short people/children in the woods.
    ONE of the most mysterious incident took place in North Carolina, polkcountry in 1993.
    Ted Henderson,who is a horsefarm owner lives with his wife and a 6 year old daughter.On june 15th,1993 ,neighbour's  of henderson gave complaint to police that they are hearing mysterious  sounds,like gun fire sound.When police investigated they found two strangely injured horses in the doorsteps.when they entered inside the room,they found fresh blood split allover with items damaged in the room.After lifting the felt furniture from a corner,police found Ted Henderson with a pistol,beside his dead wife with a gunshot.The police thought that Henderson killed her.He became mentally became mad .After spending some days in mental hospital,Henderson told that he saw a tall skinny guy with a black suit.He want to take his wife and daughter with him,He said.After somedays Henderson commited suicide.
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    Is Time travel possible for current technology?The answer cannot be explained but the scientists are working on various time travel theories.From past there are many unproven time travel mysteries but some of them doesn't require proofs.Lets know about 3 events from past.
    1.The Man from 
    While interrogation,The man told that the country existed between france and spain.The man knew many languages as well.And later,He disappeared .
    This happened in July 1954,In Tokyo international airport.
    The country that issued Him passport  was Taured,A country that never existed.
    2.John Titor,a man from 2036
    In November 2000,A man named John titor,started answering questions on internet ,about time travel.The man claimed that he is from 2036 and their world is torn  apart because of the war between US and Russia
    Only a few people survived,Now he had to comeback to past to retrieve some items that can be helpful to rebuild the society.He specifically asked for IBM 5100,which was never released to public and known only by people who designed it.He was 4 months on internet and disappeared Suddenly⏲.
    3.The mysterious streets of Liverpool
    There are so many stories of liverpool and i m sharing with u please share this link with your friends.
    In 2011,a women went to a mothercare store to buy a gift for her Sister.while checking out her credit card was turned down.she went back home and complained to her mother.And then when they returned to the place,there were no mothercare center,there is a Bank😨.

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